Eddie Meenan: three men jailed over ‘savage and degrading’ killing

The late Eddie Meenan.The late Eddie Meenan.
The late Eddie Meenan.
Three men have been jailed in connection with the ‘savage and degrading’ killing of a father-of-nine in Derry four years ago.

The body of Eddie Meenan was found in an alleyway to the rear of Creggan Street in November 2018. The 52-year-old had sustained multiple injuries including 52 stab wounds and more than 100 signs of assault, including two broken legs.

Sean Rodgers (34), of no fixed abode, was found guilty of the murder of Mr Meenan following a trial while Derek Creswell (30), originally from Derry, pleaded guilty to murder during the trial.

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Ryan Walters (23), from Crossgar, was found guilty of the manslaughter of Mr. Meenan.

PSNI Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell.PSNI Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell.
PSNI Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell.

Sean Rodgers was sentenced to life imprisonment and will serve a minimum of 18 years for murder. He was also sentenced to five years for perverting the course of justice, which is set to run concurrently.

Derek Creswell was sentenced to life imprisonment and will serve a minimum of 15 years. Also running concurrent to this, he was sentenced to three years for perverting the course of justice and three years for assault.

Ryan Walters was sentenced for eight years for manslaughter - half to be served in custody and half on licence.

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A fourth person, Sinead White (38), of St Brecan’s Park in Derry, admitted a charge of withholding information and was sentenced to three years probation.

Speaking after sentencing, the senior police officer leading the investigation, Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell, said: “Foremost in our thoughts today, are the family, loved ones and friends of Edward Meenan who was the father of nine children. His children have been robbed of a lifetime of memories, their lives and those of his loved ones shattered by the depraved and savage actions of his killers.

“Edward Meenan lost his life in the most brutal, sickening and tragic way. He was tortured, and suffered an horrific death, subjected to a brutal and sustained attack that was senseless. What he must have went through in those final minutes of his life is unimaginable.

“Losing a loved one is never easy but, for the family and friends of Edward Meenan, to lose their loved one in such a savage and degrading way, which showed a complete disregard for human life, is heart breaking.

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“I hope that the sentences handed down to his killers will give Edward Meenan’s loved ones, and all those who have been left devastated by his death, a degree of closure and a sense of justice. We hope now the Meenan family can grieve properly now these convicted killers are behind bars.

“Our community is safer now these men have been convicted and sentenced.

“I want to pay tribute to the Meenan family for the dignity and strength they have shown throughout the past almost four years in what has been a long, difficult and painful process.

“I would also like to pay tribute to the local community in the city who came forward with information which assisted our detectives during this investigation, our Criminal Justice Partners - the Public Prosecution Service and Forensic Science Northern Ireland - and our dedicated team of detectives who have worked tirelessly to bring these three men before the court to ensure they are held accountable for the heinous crimes they committed.”

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Ciaran McQuillan, the Head of the Public Prosecution Service’s Serious Crime Unit, said Mr Meenan’s killing had been brutal and had left his friends and family devastated.

He added: “I want to thank Mr Meenan’s family for the great strength, patience and dignity they have shown throughout the prosecution and the long and difficult trial process. I also want to thank the witnesses who gave evidence in what the judge described as a ‘harrowing and difficult’ case.

“Mr Meenan’s family face the rest of their lives grieving his death, which occurred in such a violent way. We hope that the conclusion of this case brings them some comfort as they attempt to continue on without him.”

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