President leads tributes to Ryan McBride

The late Derry City captain Ryan McBride. ( late Derry City captain Ryan McBride. (
The late Derry City captain Ryan McBride. (
The President of Ireland has led tributes to Derry City FC captain Ryan McBride following his sudden death.

Michael D Higgins was among the first to pass condolences on to the family of the 27-year-old centre back.

The Brandywell man is understood to have been found dead at his home on Sunday evening.

The cause of death is not known.

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Just 24 hours earlier, Ryan led the Candy Stripes to victory for the fourth time this season against Drogheda United.

President Higgins posted on Twitter: “Along with all those who support Irish football, I express my sadness and condolences to the family of @derrycityfc Captain Ryan McBride.”

Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney meanwhile said: “There is shock across the city and throughout Ireland on hearing the news of the death of Ryan.

“I wish to pass on my condolences and that of the party to McBride family. I’m sure the community will rally around them at this very sad time.”

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SDLP Foyle MP Mark Durkan has also expressed his sadness at Ryan’s death.

Mr Durkan said: “All thoughts are with Ryan McBride’s family, his Derry City teammates, club officials and all his friends who have lost someone so special.

“There is deep shock and sadness at the loss of a young man who brought so much happiness to others through his skills and dedication.

“I extend my sincere condolences to Ryan’s family, colleagues and friends – and hope they can take some comfort from the breadth and depth of sympathy which has been so widely expressed following his very sad death.”

DUP Foyle MLA Gary Middleton meanwhile said: “My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Derry City FC captain Ryan McBride at this sad time.”