Release Tony Taylor protest

Tony Taylor. 2509JM05Tony Taylor. 2509JM05
Tony Taylor. 2509JM05
A protest will take place tomorrow outside Strand Road PSNI Station calling for the release of Derry man Tony Taylor.

Organisers have stated that the protest, which gets under way at 2pm, is taking place “to highlight the fact that Tony Taylor has been incarcerated for one year without charge or trial”.

“We have chosen this location as the public face of the justice system with Tony having been arrested by the PSNI on March 10 last year and taken to Maghaberry prison.

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“Tony’s case is regarded by many as internment in all but name and should be of real concern to all with an interest in human rights. Internment has been used in the past as a repressive tool of the Stormont regime to silence political opponents and to curtail lawful political activity. This policy failed in the past and it will again.”