Striking lecturers hosting '˜Alternative University' as dispute enters fourth week

Magee College.Magee College.
Magee College.
Lecturers at Magee will this week host a series of classes on local history, art, literature, music, politics and social affairs at a pop-up '˜Alternative University' in the Nerve Centre.

The academics launched the initiative as they entered their fourth week of industrial action over proposed pension changes. Lecturers, researchers and other staff will temporarily abandon the picket lines to bring their classes to the public for free on Tuesday and Wednesday.

University and College Union (UCU) members stated: “We are educators, we want to be educating, so educate we shall!”

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The ‘Alternative University’ will allow lecturers to get back to what they really want to be doing, teaching students and bringing their research to the wider public, the UCU says. Adrian Grant, Emmet O’Connor, Éamonn Ó Ciardha, Goretti Horgan, Gillian Robinson, Tanya Deane, Brian Bridges, Adam Melvin, Peter Smith, Nioclas MacCathmhaoil, Emma McGuinness and Lisa Fitzpatrick will together deliver 12 lectures from 10.30 a.m. to 1.50. p.m. today and tomorrow.

Details of the programme can be found at