Attempted robbery leaves female shop assistant shaken

Attempted robbery appeal.Attempted robbery appeal.
Attempted robbery appeal.
Would-be robbers, one of whom was armed with a knife, left empty-handed from a shop in Strabane on Thursday leaving a lone female shop assistant shaken.

Detectives are appealing for information and witnesses following the attempted armed robbery, which has been described as 'despicable.'

A report was made to police shortly before 2 p.m. that, just minutes earlier, two males entered the commercial premises at Lisnafin Park in the town, one of whom was armed with what is believed to have been a knife, and demanded money from the lone staff member.

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The perpetrators, however, left empty handed and fled from the shop.

Both suspects are described as being aged in their mid to late teens and wore dark-coloured clothing and were of a slim build.

Detective Sergeant Richard Donnell said: "This was a frightening experience for the staff member who was in her place of work, simply doing her job, when this despicable crime was committed. Thankfully, she wasn't injured."

Anyone who has information which may help the police investigation is asked to call detectives at Strand Road on 101, and quote reference number 707 of 02/04/20, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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