Up to 30 men involved in Derry bar room brawl

The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.
The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.
The PSNI in Derry are investigating a major bar brawl which took place in a city centre premises on Saturday night past.

A ten second clip of video footage of the incident at Wetherspoons in The Diamond shows that some of the men involved seem to single out one younger man for attack.

The man is grabbed, punched, thrown to the ground and at that point two of the assailants aim kicks at the young man’s head. Three men were later treated in hospital.

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A statement from the J. D. Wetherspoon chain confirmed that incident took place at around 10.45 pm on Saturday night.

The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.
The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.

A spokesperson for the company told the ‘Journal’: “We can confirm that a large group of men started fighting with one another in the pub at around 10.45 pm on Saturday.

“Members of the group were throwing glasses and fighting with each other.

“In total around 30 men were involved. The police and the ambulance service were called, however, the group left before the police arrived.”

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And the PSNI in the city have confirmed that three men aged 20, 28 and 30 were treated for injuries at Altnagelvin Hospital following the fight.

The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.
The Diamond pub in Derry city centre.

However, it is not believed that the injuries were of a serious nature.

PSNI Inspector Johnny Hunter said: “Enquiries are ongoing and anyone who witnessed the incident or has information which may assist the investigation is asked to contact the police at Strand Road using the non-emergency number 101, or provide information anonymously through Crimestoppers on 080055511.

The spokesman for J. D. Wetherspoon also told the ‘Journal’: “The Diamond is an extremely well run pub with fantastic customers and, fortunately, incidents like this are extremely rare.

“Our staff and regular customers do not deserve to be put in such a dangerous situation,” he added.

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