Video: Martina Anderson warns European leaders against imposing a border in Ireland in the event of a crash out Brexit

Martina AndersonMartina Anderson
Martina Anderson
Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson today warned European Union leaders against imposing a border in Ireland in the event of a crash-out Brexit in order to protect the European single market.

Speaking in Brussels, she said: "What the British Government could not do to Ireland during the conflict, Member States, 27 of you, must not even contemplate doing during peace.

"Our peace process is too important so don't event try to contemplate to reinforce partition by hardening the border in Ireland and as for erecting two borders, the solution is to remove borders, not to add borders.

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"Of course the EU needs to protect its single market. However, the EU must also uphold its treaty obligation to do no damage to an international agreement, the Good Friday Agreement."

Martina AndersonMartina Anderson
Martina Anderson

Ms. Anderson issued the warning in the European Parliament sitting in Brussels after the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had observed that a 'no deal' Brexit was now a real prospect.

Mr. Juncker said: "A solution will have to be found for the island of Ireland preserving peace and the single market. The UK must respect the spirit and the letter of the GFA."

Addressing MEPs this afternoon Ms. Anderson said: "There is a democratically endorsed way for the EU to [preserve peace and the single market] yet you are ignoring the solution.

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"If you think by constructing two borders in Ireland you will encourage the British back to the negotiating table after a crash, you know little about the British establishment because it doesn't give a hoot about the people of Ireland. It never has and it never will.

"So, if in the event of a crash you choose not to advance our democratic pathway back in to the EU, then at least do no bloody harm."