FINN HARPS REUNION: The Harps that once

Patsy McGowan shares a joke with his former players during Friday night's event.Patsy McGowan shares a joke with his former players during Friday night's event.
Patsy McGowan shares a joke with his former players during Friday night's event.
On Friday evening last, in Badger's Place, we had a gathering of former Finn Harps players '“ mostly from the seventies.

After we’d all told each other that ‘you haven’t changed a bit’ and that we’d all ‘be fit for Sunday’ it turned into a good night’s craic.

Old stories were re-hashed (and added to!) and Jamesie Nicholl was only narrowly prevented from giving us renderings of ‘Things’ and ‘Little Green Apples’. Phew! The idea emanated from big Jim Sheridan when I met him at his nephew’s wedding some months back. He expressed a fervent wish to meet ‘the Derry lads’ again and then the reins were picked up by Eddie McGroarty and Terry Harkin who organised the gig. Unfortunately the person on whose behalf the gig was organised, Big Jim himself, was unable to attend on the night as he had business abroad; so hopefully it will be an excuse for another night out with him. It was a great reminder that friendships forged in the heat of battle are long lasting and it was a genuine joy to see old colleagues again, albeit a reminder that the clock is ticking. And much thanks to Hugh himself for making his premises available.

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