Derry pensioners shocked by cash and jewellery raids

Elderly residents were left shocked after burglars invaded two homes in Derry in broad daylight on Friday and made off with cash and jewellery.

Detectives at Strand Road are investigating the two burglaries that took place in the Culmore Road and Limavady Road areas.Detective Sergeant Marshall said: “The homes, one in the Heathfield area and the other in Rockport Park, were entered sometime between 10am and noon on Friday 26 July. Cash was stolen from both properties and jewellery was also taken from Heathfield." Similar burglaries were also reported to have taken place at houses on Hospital Road and Upper Strabane Road in Castlederg a short time later.

"It’s believed these occurred between 11am and 3pm. A small sum of money was stolen from one of the properties and damage was caused to the other. "All four crimes took place while the occupants were out running errands and each was left shocked by the invasion of their home while they were simply out going about their daily lives."I am appealing for anyone with information or who may have witnessed anything or anyone out of the ordinary in any of the areas targeted, to please contact detectives at Strand Road on 101," said DS Marshall.Alternatively, information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.