Man remanded in custody on charge of witness intimidation

A man has been remanded in custody at Derry Magistrates’ Court on a charge of witness intimidation.

Conor Leitch (33) of Anderson Crescent appeared charged with one count of witness intimidation on January 12.

A police officer connected the accused to the charge and opposed bail.

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She told the court police were called by a female who told them Leitch had been contacting her asking her to change a statement she had made about earlier incidents.

He is prohibited from having any contact with the female under bail conditions.

The officer said the woman told police she had blocked Leitch on social media but he contacted her through PayPal to say he wanted to get back together.

Bail was opposed due to the fact this was his third breach.

Defence solicitor Paddy MacDermott said his client denied any attempts to influence the woman.

Bail was refused and Leitch was remanded in custody to appear again on February 2.