Teenager assaulted mother and threatened to kill her

A teenager who threatened to kill her mother with a shard of pottery, has been ordered to spend a year on Probation.

Jessica Friel, of Fergleen Mews, pleaded guilty to assaulting her mother on January 23, last year.

The 19-years-old also admitted causing damage to a teapot.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard police were called to a domestic incident and when they arrived Friel was roaring and screaming’ at her parents.

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The 18-years-old had returned home highly intoxicated and carrying a bottle of vodka.

She began roaring and shouting and called her mother ‘a slut’.

Friel punched her mother’s face and grabbed both of her hands, digging her nails into them.

The defendant was held down in an attempt to calm her, however, she slapped her mother in the face again.

Friel also smashed items in the kitchen including a teapot.

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The court heard the teenager picked up a shard of broken pottery and threatened to kill her mother with it.

During police interview, the defendant admitted she had consumed Cocaine and alcohol on the night in question.

Defence solicitor Maoliosa Barr said his client was ‘absolutely disgusted by her behaviour’.

He added she is addressing her issues with drugs.

Imposing the Probation Order, District Judge Oonagh Mullan told Friel ‘you should be truly ashamed of yourself’.