Man shot three times in Derry

A man was this morning being treated in hospital after being shot in both legs in Derry on Tuesday night.

The man was shot after being set upon in the Creggan area.

He was this morning described as being in a stable condition at Altnagelvin Hopsital.

PSNI Inspector Sam Shearer said: “The shooting happened in the Rinmore Drive area at about 10.30pm.

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“The victim, who is in his 30s, was shot in each ankle and once in the thigh. He is currently recovering in hospital.

“We are appealing for witnesses and information. Police can be contacted by calling 101, quoting reference 1385 09/08/16.”

Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell, speaking after visting the scene, said: “The people of this city do not want these actions taking place on our streets and those behind them need to stop.

“I would urge anyone with any information to bring it forward to the PSNI straight away.”

Police have advised that if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their name they can call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555111.