Huge growth in rat population forecast; wasp issues signficant

Locals pest control experts have predicted a substantial increase in the rat population this winter, while one firm has experienced its busiest summer to date in relation to wasp nest call-outs.

Patricia Page, the proprietor of local firm, North West Pest Control, said whilst business was booming for those within the pestcontrol industry, the impact of climate change on pest numbers here is a matter of significant concern - noting unseasonal trends in the marked growth of pest species this year.

“In almost 30 years of pest control I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” claimed Patricia.

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“I foresee a huge growth in the rat population this winter due to an exceptionally warm summer. With more people spending time out in parks and picnic areas enjoying the sunshine, that provides the perfect conditions for pests. Where there’s ideal feeding, there’s ideal breeding,” she added.

Patricia maintained that existing issues, compounded by illegal dumping of household rubbish in alleyways plus late bin collections, has resulted in consistent poor pest management within the city.

“We had lots of call-outs during the summer for rats, which is highly unusual for that time of year and were snowed under with wasp problems.

“The effect of climate change is very real and we’ve experienced it at first-hand this year. More Queens survived a milder winter which fashioned the arrival so many wasps this season.

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“In fact, we’re still treating wasp nests in November, which has never happened this far into the year,” she remarked.

Patricia told the ‘Journal’ just last week she prevented a potential life or death situation when she was called to remove a massive wasp-nest from a child’s bedroom.

Encouraged by a night-light to enter the room, wasps had gradually made their way through the house. “It was only a matter of time before thousands of wasps, located in the roof-space, burst through. That child was one lucky little girl and I think her mother was in state of shock when she realised the extent of the problem.”

Indeed, a profession not for the faint-hearted, the local ‘Ratwoman’ suggested how people can help themselves this winter to prevent the dreaded but increased likelihood of unwanted furry guests.

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Patricia advises keeping wheelie bins and food bins away from back doors and sealing holes; as potential entry points around their properties.


“The rule of thumb is if you can get a pen through it, a mouse will fit through too. And the same applies to 50 pence sized gaps for rats,” she added.

“With a colder winter on the cards, rats and mice will be seeking refuge in homes and premises. But if people abide by these general house-keeping rules, they can prevent the need for professional Pest Control intervention,” she concluded.