Police officer makes full and frank admission after sliding down muddy St. Columb's Park slope on backside

A North West police officer has made a full and frank admission to sliding down a muddy slope on his backside after taking a tumble while on a routine patrol in St. Columb's Park this week.

The incident happened while ‘Constable Jock’, a member of the neighbourhood policing team for Foyleside and The Moor in the city, was patrolling against anti-social behaviour in the park during terrible weather.

According to Constable Jock, who good-humouredly posted details of the incident along with a picture of his muddied trousers on the PSNI’s local Facebook profile, he was on his way back from checking an old building when his feet gave way.

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Initially, Constable Jock was assured by his colleagues that he would not be able negotiate a sizeable and muddy slope up to the building without falling.

This only encouraged the intrepid Constable Jock to prove his fellow police officers wrong, as he explained.

He posted: “I tackled the slope head on and worked my way up the slippery slope. I took a slide a couple of times but stayed upright and made it to the top in one piece.

“Now I will admit I felt a bit full of myself for completing the challenge and looked forward to returning to the car to gloat.

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“I checked the area and there was no one about (rightly so as it’s bucketing down at this time and I’m soaked).

“So I turn and head back down the slope towards the police vehicle at the bottom and my awaiting colleague when suddenly I take a slide but remain upright!

“Gathering myself from this close call I continue down the slope, a bit more cautious now nearing the bottom and in front of my colleague my foot slips and plank onto my backside sliding down the slope.....

“Unhurt I jumped up hoping no passing walkers had seen and head back to the vehicle where my colleague was in tears laughing at my misfortune.

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“Life lesson; when your colleague says you won’t make it up without falling, listen to them! You might make it up but remember you have to get back down!

“#LifeLesson #HurtEgo #EarlyShower #KeepingPeopleSafe.”