Miss Bronagh Lynch pictured with some of the pupils from Steelstown PS celebrate their achievement in the FairAware School awards this week. Kneeling, front centre are Aoife Lynch, Niah Barnfield and Maya O'Doherty. Standing from left are Hannah O'Neill, Niaya McCafferty, Ava McGill, Andrew O'Doherty, Lola Foy (Eco Committee President), Braeden Rush (Eco Committee Vice President) and Elsa Kehoe.

Some of the pupils from Steelstown PS celebrate their achievement in The Green Flag School Award. Mrs Victoria O'Neill and Mrs Donna McGlinchey pictured with Braeden Rush (Eco Committee Vice President) and Lola Foy (Eco Committee President). (Photos: Jim McCafferty Photography)

WELL DONE STEELSTOWN. . . .Mrs. Siobhan Gillen, principal and Miss Bronagh Lynch, teacher pictured with pupils Hannah Oâ€TMNeill, Maya Oâ€TMDoherty and Naiya McCafferty after the school received the FairAware School award this week.

Miss Bronagh Lynch, teacher pictured with pupil representatives after picking up the †̃Sustrans School Markâ€TM bronze award this week. Included are Naiya McCafferty, Aoife Lynch, Niah Barnfield, Riley McColgan, Andrew O'Doherty, Maya O'Doherty and Lola Foy.

Mrs. Siobhan Gillen, principal, Miss Bronagh Lynch, teacher and Mrs Hutton, classroom assistant pictured with Miss Lynchâ€TMs P3A class in Steelstown PS Eco Garden.

Pupils Faith Gillespie-McCloskey, Farrah Mooney and Niah Barnfield enjoying seeing our flowers bloom in our Eco Garden at Steelstown Primary School this week. (Photos: Jim McCafferty Photography)

Pupils Matis McCarron, Ronan Stewart and Jacob McCollum using their Forest School skills at Steelstown Primary School this week.

Steelstown PS teacher Miss Bronagh Lynch pictured with some of her class this week at the school Eco Garden where they have been learning outdoors as part of Forest Schools. Included from left are Matis McCarron, Faith Gillespie-McCloskey, Farrah Mooney, Niah Barnfield, Jacob McCollum, Jordan Starrs and Ronan Stewart.