5. Working Together Award winners Approved Social Workers Team Trustwide.jpg
Working Together Award winners, Approved Social Workers Team. Photo: big beard photography
6. Tommy McKelvey ICT.jpg
Highly Commended: Tommy McKelvey, Digital Services Manager, ICT Altnagelvin Hospital. Photo: big beard photography
7. Supporting Our Services Champion Award highly commended Thomas Doherty collected by Stacey Brolly2.jpg
Supporting Our Services Champion Award highly commended, Thomas Doherty collected by Stacey Brolly. Photo: big beard photography
8. Mark Gillespie accepts award on behalf of Dr Pat Podmore winner in the Frontline Champion of the Year Award category.jpg
Mark Gillespie accepts award on behalf of Dr Pat Podmore, winner in the Frontline Champion of the Year Award category. Photo: big beard photography