Eleven people admitted to Altnagelvin with coronavirus over past two days

Eleven people - including a young woman aged between 20 and 39 - have been admitted to Altnagelvin with coronavirus over the past two days, according to Department of Health figures.

The hospital is currently operating at 1.87 per cent over capacity.

Six people were admitted to the Derry hospital on Tuesday following five admissions on Monday.

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Three were aged over 80, two were aged between 70 and 79, two were aged between 60 and 69, two were aged between 50 and 59, one was aged between 40 and 49, and one was aged between 20 and 39.

Six of the patients were female and five were male.

In terms of general occupancy 14.02 per cent of beds at Altnagelvin were 'COVID-19 occupied', 80.37 per cent were 'other occupied' and the hospital is now stretched at 1.87 per cent over capacity: 5.67 per cent were 'awaiting admission' according to the latest data.

Eight hospitals in the north that are now over capacity with the South West Acute Hospital in Ennniskillen running at 15.57 per cent over.

At Altnagelvin three of ten (30%) ICU beds at Altnagelvin were being used to treat COVID-19 patients; five (50%) were occupied by patients with other conditions; and two (20%) were free.