Loss of paediatric consultant due to COVID-19 would mean a ‘crisis’ says Western Trust Chief Executive Dr. Anne Kilgallen

Paediatric services in the Western Trust have already been hit by COVID-19 related staff shortages and the loss of another consultant would precipitate a ‘service crisis’.

That’s according to the Western Trust Chief Executive, Dr. Anne Kilgallen, who said the authority is working to implement Health Minister Robin Swann’s plan to consolidate and secure paediatric services during an expected surge in COVID-19 cases over this fortnight,

The Trust provides acute paediatric services at both Altnagelvin and the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen.

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Dr. Kilgallen said: “In relation to paediatric Services in the Western Trust, we have already experienced staff shortages associated with COVID-19.

“The loss of one more consultant at either site would precipitate a service crisis.

“The occupancy levels at all paediatric units are low at present, so that consolidation can be managed within the current bed complement.”

The Western Trust chief said it has taken a number of steps to ensure the ‘best possible service’ at the SWAH.

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From Wednesday, April 8, the SWAH is providing enhanced ambulatory services where children can be assessed and treated.

“These will be staffed by senior doctors. This means many patients who normally would be admitted will be managed on an ambulatory basis – further reducing inpatient demand; 24/7 consultant cover will be maintained for delivery of babies; There will be Neonatal Nursing cover available 24/7 to help care for any neonate needing additional input,” said Dr. Kilgallen.

Mr. Swann has said that children’s and maternity services are being temporarily reconfigured to free up to 130 beds during an expected extreme surge in acute hospitals, which will be vital in treating the sickest patients and makes best use of local hospitals.

While the plan includes a temporary reduction in inpatient paediatric services, every acute hospital will continue to have senior consultant paediatricians located in these facilities to assess and treat acutely unwell children.

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To protect the wellbeing of mothers and babies, women booked to deliver in Causeway will be contacted and have their delivery transferred to Antrim or Altnagelvin Hospital.

Maternity services at Altnagelvin will continue.

Dr. Kilgallen said: “A key aim of the plan is to make services as resilient and sustainable as possible and to prevent unplanned collapses.

“Consideration has been given to maintain safe staffing in units as well as wider pressures created by COVID-19 in the adult service”.


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