Over 260 COVID cases in Derry, Strabane and Donegal

Six more people have died from COVID19 in Northern Ireland, it has been confirmed, with an additional 76 cases.

The latest statistics show that there are now 1,882 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in the north and the virus has claimed the lives of 124 people to date.

No breakdown by Council area has been reported by the Public Health Agency over the last three days. The latest available data shows that, by Friday, April 10,, there were 77 confirmed COVID19 cases across Derry & Strabane.

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Latest data for the Republic of Ireland, at the time of going to press, showed that there is a total of 9,655 confirmed cases in the Republic, including 188 confirmed cases in Donegal by midnight April 10.

Across the Republic, where testing has been more widespread, a total of 334 people with COVID-19 have tragically passed away.

Across the wider HSE North Western region, which includes Donegal, as of April 10, there were 58 health care workers diagnosed with the virus. There have also been three clusters in nursing homes in HSE North West, two more in residential institutions, one in a hospital and two in community hospital/ long stay units.

A breakdown of the confirmed cases in the Republic, meanwhile, shows that no age group is immune, with 45 cases in children under 5 registered, a further 56 children aged 5 to 14 diagnosed, and 528 cases of young people aged 14 to 25.

A total of 1,951 cases involved people aged 65 and over.

Community transmission in the Republic accounts for 67%, close contact 26%, and travel abroad 7%.

Women and girls account for the majority of cases in the Republic at 54.3%.