Dr. Freda Mooney celebrating her retirement with colleagues at Altnagelvin.Dr. Freda Mooney celebrating her retirement with colleagues at Altnagelvin.
Dr. Freda Mooney celebrating her retirement with colleagues at Altnagelvin.

Retirement party for Derry health service hero Dr. Freda Mooney

A local health service hero who has provided invaluable care to thousands of young children and their parents over the past 40 years was bid a fond farewell at her retirement party at Altnagelvin recently.

Friends and colleagues have wished Dr. Freda Mooney a ‘very happy retirement’.

The Western Trust said: “Dr. Mooney first started working in Altnagelvin Hospital as a houseman in 1981 and she had a 3 month placement in paediatrics. She then left Altnagelvin after this but did then return to the paediatric registrar rota from 1986-1988.

“After this, she then moved to community paediatrics for 4 years followed by a job involving both community paediatrics and acute paediatrics on call, before finally moving back to acute paediatrics in Altnagelvin working on the on call rota. She managed all this while starting a family and managing busy family life.

“Freda then changed jobs to work 9-5 Monday to Friday with a lot of involvement in the neonatal intensive care unit.”

She spent time teaching medical students, focusing on education, outpatient clinics and daycase reviews.

“She has been a valuable member of the team and we wish her all the best in her retirement and many happy travels.”