Manager Karen Mullan spoke of how thousands of working people locally rely on Universal Credit to top up their incomes because salaries are too low.
The rebrand has been taken as a result of the foodbank’s expanding role that has seen it move beyond the provision of food assistance to a broader range of measures to assist families and individuals during challenging periods.
Here is a selection of photographs taken by Neil McLaughlin.

1. Mayor Patricia Logue with staff and volunteers at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation.
Mayor Patricia Logue with staff and volunteers at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation. Photo: Neil McLaughlin photography

2. Staff, volunteers, members and representatives of partner organisations at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation.
Staff, volunteers, members and representatives of partner organisations at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation. Photo: Neil McLaughlin photography

3. Staff, volunteers, members and representatives of partner organisations at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation.
Staff, volunteers, members and representatives of partner organisations at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation. Photo: Neil McLaughlin photography

4. Staff, volunteers and members at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation.
Staff, volunteers and members at the Foyle Foodbank AGM on Monday when the organisation rebranded as the Foyle Network Foundation. Photo: Neil McLaughlin photography