Drug supply accused gets released on bail

A 25-year-old man accused of drugs offences has been granted bail.

James Martin Moore, of Earhart Park, is charged with possessing diazepam with intent to supply and simple possession of cannabis and diazepam on May 15.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard allegations that the defendant was captured on CCTV passing something to someone else.

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It is alleged he was found in possession of drugs, including over 150 yellow tablets.

An investigating officer said that Moore is on bail for an unrelated set of offences and had breached the condition of this by having contact with a person he was prohibited from contacting.

Opposing bail, the officer told the court police have concerns he will continue to breach bail and commit further offences.

Defence solicitor Seamus Quigley said Moore is charged with supply after he made an unsolicited comment to police accepting that he gave drugs to someone else.

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He said Moore and this other person both have long standing issues with drugs.

District Judge Ted Magill said the case involved ‘quite a large quantity of class C drugs’, however he said he would release Moore on bail with ‘considerable hesitation’.

The 25-year-old is subject to a number of conditions and was warned if he breaches these he will ‘go directly into custody and stay there until your case is dealt with’.