Man accused of kicking and stamping on pregnant partner in ‘ferocious’ attack refused bail

A man allegedly kicked and stamped on his pregnant partner as part of a ‘ferocious’ attack following a night out, the High Court heard on Friday.

Prosecutors claimed Gerard Given, 32, also bit the woman before ordering her to clean up the blood at her home in the Derry area.

Given, of Circular Road in the city, was refused bail on charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm and common assault.

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Police were alerted when his partner went to her neighbour’s house covered in blood and seeking help on June 4 last year, the court heard.

The court was told that the woman told officers that during a row after a night out Given declared: “Wait to you see what happens now.”

She alleged that he punched her to the head multiple times as well as kicking and stamping on her while on the ground.

Given also bit her on the wrist and grabbed her by the hair as part of the sustained assault, according to the prosecution.

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Crown counsel Mark Farrell said: “She told police that she honestly thought he was going to kill her, such was the ferocity of the attack.”

Given then allegedly instructed her to wash herself and clean up the blood before she ran out to seek assistance.

An ambulance took the woman to hospital for treatment to head and body wounds, the court was told.

Scans also revealed she was 17 weeks pregnant with the defendant’s child at that stage, the court heard.

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Mr. Farrell accepted Given would not have known about the pregnancy and confirmed that the baby had been unharmed.

Following multiple attempts to locate the accused he handed himself in to police days later.

During interviews he denied carrying out any assault, providing an alibi which the prosecution contended has been discredited.

Defence counsel Ciaran Roddy argued that Given should be released from custody due to the anticipated delay in the case reaching trial.

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He claimed the alleged victim had visited his client as part of continued contact between the pair.

But Mr. Justice Fowler responded: “Those points concern me rather than give me any reassurance.”

Denying bail due to the risk of any further offences, the judge cited Given’s alleged status as a “domestic violence abuser”.