Number of confirmed local COVID cases doubles in a week

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Derry & Strabane has doubled over the past week, with 144 known cases of local people with the coronavirus.

There are now also 296 cases confirmed across Donegal, and a further 103 in the Causeway, Coasts and Glens Council area, which includes the Limavady region.

As of yesterday, there were 2,021 confirmed cases in total across the north, and a further 12,547 cases in the Republic.

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Yesterday saw the highest daily death toll in Northern Ireland in a single day with 18 people having died in a hospital setting, bringing the total number of COVID deaths to 158.

Those figures however are expected to rise significantly from today, when the numbers of people who have died in care homes and in other settings with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 beginning to be released by the NI Statistics and Research Agency.

Owen Mor Care Centre on Culmore Road in Derry has confirmed a number of its patients have died over recent days.

In a statement they said: “The entire Owen Mor community are devastated by the loss of much residents at our home, and we extend our deepest sympathy to their families.

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“Where a resident test positive for Covid-19 we immediately contact their next of kin. We also advise the next of kin of other residents in the same unit. We also ensure the Western Trust, RQIA and Public Health Agency are appropriately advised.”

Owen Mor also paid tribute to the hard working staff, many of whom will have built up relationships and friendships with residents over the years and will also be devastated by their passing.

“Our staff are highly committed and relentless in their determination to provide the best possible care to everyone living in Owen Mor Care Centre in line with best practice guidance. While these are the most challenging of times, we continue to provide quality care in a calm, friendly and homely environment.

“We also thank families at this difficult time who have been extremely supportive to our staff, expressing their gratitude in the most generous of ways including providing food and snacks for staff and sending many kind messages of thanks and encouragement.”

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Amid concerns over PPE for care home staff generally, Owen Mor said they could “confirm that at present we have adequate supplies of PPE, which allow us to minimise the risk of infection to our residents and keep our staff safe.”

In the Republic by Wednesday evening, there had been 444 COVID-related deaths.
This brought the total number of deaths across Ireland to over 600.