Friday's Child - Izonhow

This week's Friday's Child is local vlogger and youtuber Adam McCallion - also known online as Izonhow. Adam is well known in Derry for his daily vlog on youtube

How would you describe yourself?

I like to see myself as a positive person who does their best to make other people happy! Through my YouTube videos I do my best to do this. I’m motivated because of my viewers on the Internet and how they leave such lovely comments and support.

Happiest childhood memory?

I remember when I was younger receiving my first ever camera for Christmas (a good camera at the time but really bad now compared to the one I have), at the time I was completely shocked as to why I was given a camera... I didn’t ask for it, But thinking back now, if it weren’t for that camera I wouldn’t be where I am today making a film in my hometown of Derry every single day!

What was your first job?

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Well... I’m currently still in school so I haven’t went anywhere looking for jobs, however for work experience I went to a lovely shop on Carlisle Road called “Healing Arts” run by a beautiful lady called Rowena and through this experience I’m so grateful that I was able to make such a lovely friend!

Favourite book?

I’m on the book series currently called “CHERUB”. For me the first book of the season was the one that got me started so “The Recruit” is my favourite book at the moment.

Favourite film?

“Kill Bill” Volume 1. I am a massive fan of Quentin Tarantino Movies because I think his visual style is done in a very unique way in which he can express himself through his movies; and I feel like I can relate in the same way.

Favourite television programme?

Being a Youtuber, I don’t really get time to watch TV anymore as I am so busy editing films (editing takes longer than it does to record a video). Though back when I watched TV I was, and still am a massive fan of the sub-genre Sci-fi called Doctor Who. I even have my bedroom door painted like the TARDIS! Thanks to my aunt Kitty who painted it for me. Love her to bits!

Favourite expression?

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Definitely “Love”. I believe it to be one of the most beautiful things on this planet.

Favourite method of relaxation?

Meditation! “Ummmmm”

Favourite holiday destination?

During the summer I went with my mum, Paula, my dad John and my little brother aged 11, Sam, to Portugal - Albufeira! 
It was an amazing adventure, and I made a film every single day out there! My main camera died because of a lens error and I resorted to filming on my Dad’s phone every day so I could still capture footage for all the viewers of my channel. 
Even Sam vlogged for his YouTube channel - SamzGamz

Who would you most like to meet?

I would love to meet the actor David Tennant as he played in my opinion, the best role of the doctor in my favourite TV show!

What makes you angry?

Negative people with negative vibes.

What makes you happy?

Making videos! Coffee, Love within, creating things, helping others.

What human quality do you most admire?

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Besides love, I really admire people who are determined, motivated, creative and listen to what you have to say.

What human quality do you least admire?

The ego. Without ego there would be no worry, anxiety and suffering.

What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?

Hmm, well... for me growing up, my dad always taught me not to care what others think, because it’s simply none of your business, so embarrassment for me has been very rare. 
I don’t think I can remember the last time I was embarrassed.

What was the worst thing to happen to you in your life?

When I was younger; on a Saturday morning on my way to gymnastics (taught by my Granda in Shantallow currently) I was in a car accident at the “bywash”, it was definitely one of the most terrifying moments of my life because I thought I was going to die. 
However I feel like it also gave me one of the greatest gifts - appreciation of life and the limited time I have here. So I want to make the most of every last second!

What is your greatest fear?

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I try not to think much about having fears because that would only manifest them into physical form, but running out of coffee is definitely one of them!

What has been the high point of your life to date?

The 19th of March 2016. This was the day I decided that I wanted to become a daily vlogger! I found my passion and I couldn’t be happier! I now know what Stave Jobs was talking about when he said: “You’ve got to find what you love... and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Since then the growth of my YouTube channel has been amazing! 
How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as someone who tried to bring a smile to peoples faces, brightening up their day!

What is your most treasured possession(s)?

My camera and laptop.

If you won the lotto what would you do with it?

I would use it to enhance what I’m currently doing on YouTube and I’m working with a charity called Kinship Care in Derry and would definitely donate some of my winnings to them.

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If you could be granted one wish in life, what would you ask for?

To experience as much as I possibly can in this life, negative or positive, an experience!

If you could write your own epitaph what would it be?

“Coffee Time!”

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