Friday’s Child - Jenna Devine ‘Devine Scents’

This week’s Friday’s Child is Jenna Devine, the founder and Director of Devine Scents. Jenna started making wax in her kitchen in September 2019, and made her first sale in January 2020, before opening her own shop in the Skeoge in September 2020. She studied to become an Essential Oil Practicioner via Open University while working and making products, in the hopes of making more products with essential oils to help ease certain health conditions. Jenna is mum to four-years-old Danann, and has been married to husband Daniel for almost seven years, although they have been together for 14 years.

How would you describe yourself? 
Kind, funny and humble - mixed with a wee bit of a perfectionist or as my husband likes to say ‘bossy’.

Happiest childhood memory?

Going to my Nanny and Granda’s holiday home down in Dunree, eating my Nanny’s home made scones with the smell of the turf fire going after being at the beach all day long was the best feeling in the world back then.

What was your first job?

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It was in a clothes shop called ‘Internationale’ and it was in the top floor of the Richmond centre were the shop ‘Trespass’ is now. I was only 16 and was all bizz! (Until they gave me a scraper one Saturday and told me to scrape the stuck in chewing gum off the entrance mat).

Favourite book?

I’m a serious book worm so I read at least one book a week. Michaella McCollum’s autobiography (the Belfast girl who smuggled drugs to Peru) was amazing! I am half way through Jo Malone’s autobiography now and it is fantastic!

Favourite film? 
‘Gothika’ with Halle Berry.

Favourite TV programme?

Any true crime programmes.

Favourite expression?

‘Aye that’s grand’ or ‘I’m about to flip my lid!’

Favourite method of relaxation? 
Reading and lighting one of my new candles.

Favourite holiday destination?

Definitely Los Angeles! My husband and I have been there four times now and we were lucky enough to bring our then three-year-old son two years ago. It’s the most beautiful place in the world.

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Who would you most like to meet? 
Alive - Jo Malone. Dead - Marylin Monroe.

What makes you angry?

What makes you happy? 
Spending quality time with my husband and four-year-old son.

What human quality do you most admire? 
Kindness. No act of kindness, however how small, is ever wasted.

What human quality do you least admire? 
Laziness and greed.

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What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?
 I’ve really bad eyesight - even with my glasses on. I jumped into the passenger seat of our car as I ‘seen’ my husband pull up, only to be greeted by a very shocked woman in her 70s with a short, back and sides! The car was also a completely different colour to our own car too!

What was the worst thing to happen to you in your life?

Miscarrying our first child at seven weeks pregnant and losing my Granda Harrigan.

What is your greatest fear?

Crabs! It actually puts me off going to the beach or even going near the water.

What has been the high point of your life to date? 
Professionally - Being the founder and now director of Devine Scents. Personally - The birth of my beautiful son, Danann, and marrying my husband Daniel.

How would you like to be remembered?

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As a kind, hard working woman who was devoted to her son & husband.

What is your most treasured possession?

My photo albums. I print hundreds of photos a month and put them all in old style photo albums. I get them out every now and then and get either a good laugh or a good cry.

If you won the lotto what would you do with it?

I would definitely still be living in my house in Hazelbank! 
We worked too hard to buy that house so I’ll not be giving that up for anything! I’d probably buy an apartment in Los Angeles. I’d also buy a massive warehouse so I could produce more products.

If you could be granted one wish in life, what would you ask for?

That my son, Danann, outgrows his epilepsy, or that his epilepsy would magically disappear.

If you could write your own epitaph what would it be?

Live life to the fullest, for life is all too short.