Girl (13) allegedly attacked police and shouted ‘I’m going to put a bullet between your big hairy brows’

A 13-year-old girl from Derry allegedly broke into a house and attacked three police officers, the High Court heard today.

Prosecutors claimed she gave one constable a black eye, kicked another in the groin, and shouted: “I’m going to put a bullet between your big hairy brows”.

The girl, who cannot be identified, faces charges of burglary, disorderly behaviour, resisting police and three counts of assault on police.

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She was granted bail after a judge expressed disappointment at the PSNI for opposing the release from custody of someone so young.

The teenager was first detained following a break-in at a house on Grove Place in the city in the early hours of October 17 last year.

A window had been smashed and CCTV allegedly showed her and two older males enter and check a meter box for money.

Crown lawyer Natasha Fitzsimons said she was arrested again on Boxing Day for allegedly punching an officer in the face as police dealt with a missing male found in Derry’s Waterside area.

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In a further incident on January 2, the court heard she was discovered hiding in the attic of a house in the city.

When arrested she allegedly responded by punching a policewoman in the eye, causing swelling and bruising.

According to the prosecution the girl’s aggression continued when taken into custody.

“She was shouting ‘I’m going to put a bullet between your big hairy brows’,” counsel claimed.

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“The applicant then kicked a constable to his groin area and upper leg, causing tenderness and pain.”

Defence barrister Sean Doherty argued that the risks were nowhere near the level required to keep a child with no criminal record in custody.

“We are not at the point of last resort yet, and it’s not in the interests of a 13-year-old girl to be detained away from what is a supportive family environment.

Mr Justice Humphreys said it was “extraordinary” that bail was opposed.

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He pointed out that the charges involve breaking into a house where nothing was stolen and two “unpleasant” assaults on police.

“The recent behaviour of this applicant, if established, doesn’t do her any credit and reflects issues she is having with authority in general,” the judge said.

“But those are not matters which would even approach the threshold of remanding a 13-year-old female with a clear record in custody.

“It’s extremely disappointing that the Police Service of Northern Ireland would see fit to object to bail in these circumstances.

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“This is not a case where any benefit will accrue to this applicant from spending time in a juvenile justice centre at this age.”

Granting bail under conditions including a curfew, he warned that any breach could result in her being returned to custody.

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