No further delays for residents’ parking
Ms Durkan said: “We need an urgent inter-agency review across the council area to deal with this matter immediately,” she said. “It is completely unacceptable that people paying huge rates have no proper access to their homes. Residents of the Lawrence Hill/Clarence Avenue area, for example have told me that as far back as 2004 they were given assurances that the issue would be addressed via the implementation of an appropriate scheme. All the relevant agencies must sit down and consider why we are no closer to resolution on the issue today.”
Ms. Durkan added: “The parking situation for residents right along the Northland Road, Academy Road and lower Rosemount areas is shocking. Their streets – and the spaces outside their homes – are filling up before 8am. It is now virtually impossible to complete a school run and re-park outside – or even near to - your own home. Likewise, residents cannot shop, visit or leave their homes to do any sort of business during the day, as they cannot get a space anywhere in their neighbourhood.”
Ms. Durkan said it would be also crucial to look at maximising usage of Derry’s public transport system to help address the problem.