Over £1,000 from licensing offences donated to charity

Over £1,000 has been donated to local charities in Derry within the last few months as a result of Community Resolution Notices, the PSNI have revealed.

CRNs can be used for minor licensing offences such as minors on licensed premises (both minors and the premises have been issued with CRNs), breach of permitted hours, and underage persons being served in off-licences.

District Licensing Officer Constable Paul Larkin said: “Part of my role is making sure that licensees are operating within the regulations.

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“In a situation where a minor breach is detected and it’s a first offence, the licensee can accept a community resolution notice with some choosing to donate to a local charity.

“For first time minor offenders CRNs are a preferable choice to prosecution and in this case it is local charities that are seeing the benefit.”

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