The O’Neills Foyle Cup in association with Derry City & Strabane District Council will take place from Monday July 15 to Saturday July 20 with over 580 teams participating this year.
Photos by Jim McCafferty Photography.

1. 05-07-24 O'Neills Foyle Cup Launch 10.jpg
Young Rónán McDaid was among the winners on the day. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

2. Young Oisin Donnelly gets his football signed by Derry City stars on Friday.
Young Oisin Donnelly gets his football signed by Derry City stars on Friday. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

3. FOYLE CUP LEISUREWEAR LAUNCH. . . .Derry City player Jordan McEniff signs a jersey for brothers Adam and Josh McLaughlin during Friday's Foyle Cup Leisurewear Launch at O'Neills Superstore in Waterloo Place, Derry. (Photos: Jim McCafferty Photography)
FOYLE CUP LEISUREWEAR LAUNCH. . . .Derry City player Jordan McEniff signs a jersey for brothers Adam and Josh McLaughlin during Friday's Foyle Cup Leisurewear Launch at O'Neills Superstore in Waterloo Place, Derry. (Photos: Jim McCafferty Photography) Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

4. Five years-old Mia Carlin gets an autograph during Friday's Foyle Cup Leisurewear event.
Five years-old Mia Carlin gets an autograph during Friday's Foyle Cup Leisurewear event. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography