Photos by Jim McCafferty Photography.

5. MY WHITE PORSCHE. . . . Mayor Patricia Logue and husband James pictured inside one of the Porsche cars in Guildhall Square on Saturday.
MY WHITE PORSCHE. . . . Mayor Patricia Logue and husband James pictured inside one of the Porsche cars in Guildhall Square on Saturday. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

6. Brothers Darragh and Ryan Maguire get a chance to board one of the super cars during Saturday's event in Guildhall Square.
Brothers Darragh and Ryan Maguire get a chance to board one of the super cars during Saturday's event in Guildhall Square. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

7. Another of the supercars at Saturday's event.
Another of the supercars at Saturday's event. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography

8. SIUPERCAR SATURDAY. . . .The scene in Guildhall Square on Saturday.
SIUPERCAR SATURDAY. . . .The scene in Guildhall Square on Saturday. Photo: Jim McCafferty Photography
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