Baby Aoife McSorley born at 1.17am in Altnagelvin Hospital on Christmas Day weighing 9lb 2oz.Baby Aoife McSorley born at 1.17am in Altnagelvin Hospital on Christmas Day weighing 9lb 2oz.
Baby Aoife McSorley born at 1.17am in Altnagelvin Hospital on Christmas Day weighing 9lb 2oz.

Christmas babies arrive in Derry and Enniskillen

There was a series of special deliveries at Western Trust maternity wards in Derry and Enniskillen over Christmas.

Baby Aoife McSorley arrived at 1.17am in Altnagelvin Hospital on Christmas Day weighing 9lb 2oz.

Baby Doherty weighed in at 7lb 8oz. at 10.35am at Altnagelvin, also on Christmas Day.

A big welcome for our newest citizens, congratulations to their proud parents, and thanks to the hospital staff.

A big welcome for our newest citizens, congratulations to their proud parents, and thanks to the hospital staff.