Covid-19: Derry GP not convinced by remdesivir

A Derry doctor says he is not convinced that an experimental drug which appears to help some coronavirus patients recover faster will, based on trials to date, provide any “great answers”.

Dr Paul Molloy, who is among local GPs and nurses working at the Covid 19 assessment centre at Altnagelvin Hospital, was commenting on the antiviral drug, remdesivir, which is to be made available for patients hospitalised with Covid-19 in the USA.

The emergency approval in the US comes days after the government’s top infectious disease expert expressed cautious optimism about the results of a remdesivir drug trial.

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“The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery,” Dr Anthony Fauci said. “What it has proven is that a drug can block this virus.”

Paul Molloy, however, says: “I have been reviewing any data and the recent studies on remdesivir. I am going to be honest and say I am not convinced this antiviral drug will provide any great answers based on trials to date.

“The trials are small and results that it might improve recovery from 15 to 11 days. It’s a small study and, without demonstrable mortality reductions (reducing numbers dying), it needs larger studies to convince of its potential.”