Man caught after stinger deployed in Derry & Donegal police operation jailed

A man who continued to drive after a police chase in which a stinger deflated punctured four tyres has been jailed at Derry Magistrate’s Court for a series of driving offences including two counts of dangerous driving.

John Paul Moore (26) of no fixed abode appeared on Thursday charged with driving offences that occurred on Wednesday, November 10.

The court heard that police were alerted by Gardai about a vehicle that had driven off from a garage in Bridgend. The Gardai said that they had noticed the vehicle at the garage parked awkwardly and recognised the man holding the petrol nozzle.

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They went over to speak to him as they recognised him and at that the driver made off leaving the other man standing there.

The vehicle in question was seen in the Clon Dara area and as police followed, it was seen to drive without lights.

The vehicle exited the area at speed passing other cars on the wrong side of the road and turning right on a roundabout rather than going around it.

A police helicopter was in the air and followed the vehicle until it stopped in a driveway and the driver went into an address. The helicopter had to leave and when it returned to the scene 17 minutes later the vehicle was gone.

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It was located by police in the Temple Park area and a stinger was used to puncture all four tyres but the vehicle continued to drive.

Eventually the vehicle stopped and Moore tried to run but was caught and arrested. He made full admissions at interview.

The court heard that Moore had been on licence, which had now been revoked.

He told police he didn’t realise the tyres had been punctured and that he had only bought the vehicle a few weeks ago.

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Defence counsel Eoghan Devlin said these were ‘very, very serious offences’.

He said Moore had had ‘chronic addiction issues’ for many years but said he had fully complied with the police.

Moore was jailed for four months, disqualified for 30 months and fined £200.