Derry posts worst pass rate for 8th quarter

A report, produced by the Department for Infrastructure, has found Derry had the lowest pass-rate for private-car driving tests in the North for the eighth straight quarter.

The report reveals figures collected from October 2019 to December 2019. It is the eighth consecutive time that the quarterly report has ranked the Altnagelvin test centre in Derry as the lowest with a 41.2% pass-rate. The overall pass-rate across the North was 53.9%, with the highest being Lisburn at 73.9%.

Some circumstances do have to be taken into consideration when analysing these figures. Part of the difference recorded between test centres will reflect the contrast of driving ability and experience of candidates, but there are other factors, such as local driving conditions.

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The DVA conducted just over 14,700 driving tests from October 2019 to December 2019. On December 31, 2019, across the North as a whole, there were over 1,119,000 full and eligible licence holders with private-cars/light vans entitlement. This was a rise of 1.3% compared with the total twelve months ago.

The latest publication is the 21st edition and was produced by the DVA Statistics Branch of the Department for Infrastructure.

It contains summary statistical, performance, and trend information relating to the main functions of the DFI’s Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA) and other vehicle licensing activity.